Ship Cost

Deliveries Costs(shipping rates)
Country Japan,Korea,Mongolia Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam, Philippines Australia, New Zealand, Asia and other regions Western Europe,India Latin America Eastern Europe, the Middle East, Africa United States, Canada, Mexico
Weight(kg) C D E F G H 2
0.5 147 154 182 210 252 385 154
1.0 179 186 221 263 319 466 202
1.5 210 217 259 315 385 546 249
2.0 242 249 298 368 452 627 297
2.5 273 280 336 420 518 707 344
3.0 305 312 375 473 585 788 392
3.5 336 343 413 525 651 868 440
4.0 368 375 452 578 718 949 487
4.5 399 406 490 630 784 1029 535
5.0 431 438 529 683 851 1110 582
5.5 462 469 567 735 917 1190 630
6.0 494 501 606 788 984 1271 678
6.5 525 532 644 840 1050 1351 725
7.0 557 564 683 893 1117 1432 773
7.5 588 595 721 945 1183 1512 820
8.0 620 627 760 998 1250 1593 868
8.5 651 658 798 1050 1316 1673 916
9.0 683 690 837 1103 1383 1754 963
9.5 714 721 875 1155 1449 1834 1011
10.0 746 753 914 1208 1516 1915 1058
10.5 777 784 952 1258 1572 1992 1104
11.0 809 816 991 1308 1628 2069 1149
11.5 840 847 1029 1359 1684 2146 1195
12.0 872 879 1068 1409 1740 2223 1240
12.5 903 910 1106 1460 1796 2300 1286
13.0 935 942 1145 1510 1852 2377 1331
13.5 966 973 1183 1560 1908 2454 1377
14.0 998 1005 1222 1611 1964 2531 1422
14.5 1029 1036 1260 1661 2020 2608 1468
15.0 1061 1068 1299 1712 2076 2685 1513
15.5 1092 1099 1337 1762 2132 2762 1559
16.0 1124 1131 1376 1812 2188 2839 1604
16.5 1155 1162 1414 1863 2244 2916 1650
17.0 1187 1194 1453 1913 2300 2993 1695
17.5 1218 1225 1491 1964 2323 3070 1741
18.0 1250 1257 1530 2014 2323 3147 1786
18.5 1281 1288 1568 2014 2323 3224 1832
19.0 1313 1320 1607 2014 2323 3301 1877
19.5 1344 1351 1645 2014 2323 3378 1882
20.0 1366 1352 1646 2014 2323 3381 1882
20.5 1367 1352 1646 2014 2323 3381 1882
21-44 65 64 78 96 111 161 90
45-70 62 62 77 92 108 160 85
71-99 60 60 76 89 105 160 80
100-299 57 57 74 84 102 157 76
300-499 55 55 71 79 97 155 71
500-999 51 52 69 74 93 154 69
1000+ 49 49 69 70 88 153 66
Deliveries Costs(China)
Weight/Region 1kg 1.1—50/kg 50.1—100/kg 100.1—300/kg 300.1kg以上
China GuangDong 12 2 2 2 2
China Fujian 20 6 6 6 6
China Hunan, Guangxi 20 8 8 7 7
China Mainland other regions 20 14 12 11 10
China HongKong 30 6 4 4 4
China Taiwan 30 20 20 20 20
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